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Meet the EDT IRE/UK Team 

Dawson Program

Following the sad and sudden passing of our Teacher and Mentor, Robert Johnston, and with the newly focused Education, Training and Development structure in Australia formed, we took to gathering ourselves in Ireland and working out a way forward for educational support for past, present and future students and graduates of the Dawson Program in Ireland and the UK.

And so the Education, Development and Training (EDT) Support Network, Ireland and the UK was formed.

We are ready to support trainers, students and graduates in the years ahead.

Our current EDT committee members for Ireland and the UK are: Helen O’Flinn (Chairperson), Patricia O’Keeffe (Secretary and Governance Group Representative), Christina O’Riordan (Treasurer), Aga Kutajczyk-Talaj (Committee Member).

We are very grateful that the enthusiasm exists to bring education support forward for Ireland and the UK and we look forward to connecting with our wider group over the coming months.

We have an EDT website which is accessible here and a dedicated education page outlining what the EDT is all about and who the committee members are. This is accessible here.

As the EDT Support Network for Ireland & the UK, we support the following

  • Education of trainers

  • Sign-off of trainers and practitioners of the Dawson Program

  • Provision of training materials to trainers´

  • Provision of Certification on completion of course training

The EDT Support Network for Ireland can be contacted at and we look forward to connecting with everyone in the Dawson Program family across Ireland and the UK.

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