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The Story of The Left Brain, The Right Brain, and a Visitor Called Dyslexia

Margaret Bridgeford

Updated: Feb 23, 2021

Tired eyes, poor concentration, slow reading and constant distractions can now become a thing-of-the-past. Hello and welcome to this revealing story about dyslexia.

This blog is also available as an audio blog.

If you suffer any of these symptoms you probably sometimes also feel frustration and embarrassment. You may believe that you need to live with this for life.

If you have a child with these symptoms, then you may also wonder how he or she is going to make it through school. You no doubt feel confused and frustrated when you know that their intellect is much higher than their school results are showing. The missing link in assessment may be as simple as your child not being able to read the exam and assignment questions properly.

When you learn the story behind dyslexia and how it can be overcome, you may be able to make a change in your own life, or assist someone you know to overcome the suffering or frustration that they feel, even if they experience only one of these symptoms.

And, there is a solution!

Why can’t my child read?

I have previously written a blog and audio post, The 5 Things You Need to Know About Dyslexia and Your Skull Bones, where I explain that dyslexia is essentially an eyesight problem, resulting from skull bone misalignment. This skull bone misalignment can be the result of a shock at some time in the person’s life, often during the birth process. A key consequence of this misalignment is lack of integration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. When both hemispheres are not functioning together, this is known as homolateral brain function. That is when the ‘visitor called dyslexia’ sneaks in. But he is only a visitor and he can be asked to leave! With homolateral brain function, a person’s visual ability can be reduced by up to 75%. This diagram shows very graphically how much of the vision is lost in this situation, with only half of one eye functioning. There are many strategies that have been developed by a wide range of professionals to assist children and adults with these symptoms. Mostly, they require a great deal of dedication and often only achieve marginal results. For many people, the dyslexic condition is considered to be a permanent condition that the person needs to ‘learn to live with’.

There Can Be a Solution

My experience tells me this is not the case. There is one step to take that will reduce tiredness, improve concentration, and ultimately let all those exercises be more effective. That single step is to release the skull bone misalignment. This can be achieved through vibrational medicine by correcting the energy that is causing the misalignment.

As a practitioner of the Dawson Program, a discipline of vibrational medicine, I have witnessed children, university students and mature adults turn around their reading and concentration abilities. Sometimes, the change is obvious immediately after the energy correction. Other times, the realignment of the skull bones lays the foundation for a gradual improvement in the function of the nerves that flow from the eyes to the brain. Depending on the severity of the condition, these nerves can take time to fully develop and transport the images without hindrance. It is at this time that all those wonderful exercises developed by so many professionals can reap maximum benefit. Reading a full chapter and remembering its contents, comprehending an exam question, reading for pleasure … these results are all possible for many people currently experiencing the frustration of dyslexia or some people may consider themselves to just having difficulty reading fluently.

You may be inquisitive to understand more about this different viewpoint about dyslexia. If so, please read on.

Want to know more?

Each hemisphere of the brain has a job to do. The left brain is responsible for processing our more practical day-to-day activities such as the spoken language, mathematical calculations, sequencing and timing. The right brain is the concept brain and functions the final recognition of sight, visual image of script (reading), and creative concepts in all forms – music, poetry, literature, creativity.

The left and right hemispheres are anchored to the skull by a nerve structure called the corpus callosum. Misaligned skull bones can put pressure on the corpus callosum, denying integration and forcing homolateral function of these two brain hemispheres.

Also nestled in between the two hemispheres is the chiasma, which ‘wires’ the brain for vision. It functions as the visual switchboard for the optic nerves. The complex nature of visual processing means that all visual images are received initially on the retina of the eye upside down and back-to-front. It is the chiasma that begins the rearranging by transporting vision from both eyes to the brain. Images from the left retina of both eyes are transported to the left brain, while the vision from the right retina of both eyes is transported to the right brain.

When the left and right brain are not integrated, the subconscious brain can switch off one of the hemispheres to save energy. This may be permanent, or it may occur once the homolateral brain has been working hard to try to read and then becomes exhausted. Due to the complex nature of the pathways of the optic nerves – from the retina through the chiasma to the brain – when one hemisphere is switched off, vision is reduced by 75%. Whilst the other hemisphere is still functioning, only 25% of the total potential vision is still available. Apart from feeling tired, this may be observed with one ‘lazy’ eye, resting slightly off centre, as shown in the drawing below.

When the skull bones are correctly aligned, this provides the opportunity for the communication pathways from the eyes to the brain to function in a fully integrated manner. When this occurs, the visual imagery that is so important to so much of our lives is able to function at its optimal level.

Varying degrees of dyslexia are experienced by many people. Some famous people have built highly successful lives despite this limitation in their visual processing. For others the success pathway may not be so great, and a simple release of this unnecessary condition could open up a world of new possibilities.

In Summary

  1. Dyslexia is essentially an eye sight problem

  2. Misaligned skull bones can put pressure on parts of the brain and cause the left and right hemispheres to function independently rather than in an integrated manner. This in called homolateral function.

  3. The consequence of this homolateral function is poor communication from the eyes to the brain, sometimes causing a loss of up to 75% of visual function.

  4. Images are first received by the retina upside down and back-to-front. The brain needs to be fully integrated to convert all these images correctly. When the co-ordination of the left and right brain function is interrupted, the person does not see the images fully or correctly, causing reduced vision, jumbled vision, or both.

  5. Skull bone misalignments can be corrected through disciplines of vibrational medicine. One such discipline is the Dawson Program.

  6. The result can be full brain integration with complete capacity to read and comprehend with ease.

Margaret will be running a Dyslexia tutorial for Dawson Program Members in 2021. Meanwhile, for any questions about dyslexia or other Dawson Program matters, you can contact Margaret Bridgeford.

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