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The 7 Causes of Energy System Failure

An article from Peter Downie

The Dawson Program is aimed at helping the person reach their optimal health by ensuring their energy systems are operating at their optimum frequency. It does this by connecting with the subconscious mind, through muscle testing statements, to identify potential malfunctions within the subtle energy systems of the body. Once these malfunctions have been found, the program then identifies the cause of the malfunction and releases it, using a combination of intent and frequency, returning the body to a state of grace.

Energy system malfunctions occur due to some form of trauma, whether that be a toxic shock, physical shock, emotional shock, or a combination of all three. When these energy systems get thrown out of balance due to a shock, the life force of the person drops significantly. Each time a shock occurs, if previous malfunctions have not been corrected, issues can begin to ‘pile up’, causing more stress on not only the energy systems, but the physical body as well. This lowers the person’s life force even more, resulting in a seemingly healthy person having many ‘unexplained’ issues.

As a part of the Dawson Program system, it is helpful to identify what the potential causes of these energy system malfunctions are, so we have collated a list of the seven main causes of energy system malfunctions below.

Early Childhood Emotions

Trauma that occurs around the birth of a child can lock in and can stay locked in throughout the life of the person. These energy system malfunctions can be caused around issues at conception, being wanted as a boy or a girl, two conceptions occurring at one time (twins) and one being lost, or trauma around the birthing process- both physically and emotionally in the mother and child. Being a brand-new person, the first strong emotion experienced often locks in.

Day-to-Day Life Emotions

Emotions from the weaning of a child through to any sort of ‘normal’ traumas that would occur throughout the person’s life, can become locked in. This can include first-day of school emotions through to parents breaking up or teenage traumas of body changes through puberty and first sexual experiences. Day-to-day trauma can also occur during adulthood, where the person may start to experience relationship breakdowns and the death of loved ones.

This model clearly gives light as to why many older societies perform rituals at the significant stages of change throughout one’s life. One such example is when a ritual is performed at the beginning of life, focused on childhood birth emotions, to clear any residual energies and help give the child a fresh start. A second would occur at the time of puberty, designed to ensure that as the child moved into their teenage years, they were no longer carrying all the baggage from their birth and childhood, to get compounded on top of what was happening in their teenage life.

Meridian Malfunctions from Other People (Alive)

A meridian malfunction in other people, especially those close to you, can be transferred to you due to your close connection with them. This often occurs in mother/sons, fathers/daughter relationships or between close friends and even pets.

Meridian Malfunctions from Other People (Deceased)

At the time of their death, a person can carry a strong emotion surrounding death

or strong emotion from their lifetime, that stays in the ether and is picked up by those close to them. These energy system malfunctions can be picked up and carried through the family tree and can have just as much impact as a living person’s own emotion throwing a meridian out.

Most cultures have ceremonies associated with death (funerals) to try and appease, settle, and remove any of the residual emotions that may have been flowing through from the person who died.

Environmental or Chemical Exposure

Energy system failures can be caused by exposure to environmental or chemical toxins, which can include food intolerances, radiation, sprays, and injections, especially to those people most sensitive to them.

Physical Trauma

Physical trauma is probably the most recognised type of trauma within the western medicine model. Not only can this trauma cause obvious physical discrepancies, but the residual energy effect can also stay with the person for a lifetime if not cleared. This can be in the form of any physical shock, including car accidents. Malfunctions are often caused in conjunction with the emotional trauma associated with them.

Residual Geographic Meridian Malfunctions

Residual geographic meridian malfunctions occur in a space in the environment where something traumatic has happened and that vibration locks into that space permanently. Regardless of their background, any person passing through that space experiences a failure of whatever meridian has been locked into it. This can be in the environment in a radius of up to 11km - if caused by a serious death.

These malfunctions are exaggerated in areas where there has been less human interaction and tend to store in a quiet landscape.

Death is not the only cause of this type of residual imprint. Depending on the intent and strength of the emotion of the person that left the imprint, emotional residue can be found in individual footprints. Additionally, these malfunctions are not limited to the landscape, they can occur in a room, house and even a

single chair.


Expanding on the Seven Causes of Energy System Malfunctions PLUS putting the pieces of the jigsaw together:

If you are interested in learning more about the seven Causes of Energy System Malfunctions PLUS putting the pieces of the jigsaw together, then we are excited to let you know that Peter Downie will be facilitating a tutorial on 9th May, included as part of our Dawson Program Membership Subscription. For members of the Dawson Program network, we are running this tutorial in an open question and answer session. Peter will dive into a more in depth explanation of the 7 main causes for energy system failure as well as the physical body observations which can act as clues as to which of the seven causes may have created the energy system failure. Bring any questions you have - no question is silly! Together we will learn a lot and have a wonderfully expansive conversation. We look forward to hearing and sharing with you!

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