The Energy of the mind, body, spirit and soul is my third career.
In the 1970s, it was retail management- eleven shops, eleven managers and one hundred and thirty staff. In the 80s, I diverted to property and completed a degree in land law & estate agency, under the auspices of the Irish Auctioneer & Valuer’s Institute. I opened three outlets with five divisions and continued in this business for twenty-two years. In 2007, I sold my business and retired.
In 2008, I completed Deepak Chopra’s seven-day conference on mind & body energy - “Seduction of Spirit”. I can honestly say, this conference was mind changing. It enabled me to drop the mantle of business and opened my heart to healing. Bio Energy called me first and on the day I received my diploma in January 2010, the class of sixteen people were given a demonstration of the Dawson Program. We were blown away and wished to learn it immediately, but it wasn’t possible at that time. The Universe was leading me towards the Dawson Program and this practitioner; I allowed my energy to flow towards him.
It would take a whole book to explain the amazing coincidences that occurred over the next few months, but suffice to say, by April of 2010, this Dawson Program practitioner was coming to my home/clinic every six weeks for three days. On each visit, about fifty people and children were treated by two practitioners. I organised the appointments, met and greeted the clients, collected the fees and made future appointments. This arrangement continued until 2013 when the practitioner agreed to teach the Dawson Program to some other therapists and me. When I graduated, I started my own practice and was amazed at the results.
In the meantime, I was practising Bio Energy and was called to open The Bio Energy Academy of Dublin in 2013 where I began a series of diploma courses. During this time, I realised that the students benefited greatly from a correction of The Dawson Program. The clarity the students received was immense and I watched them become their absolute best, in mind, body, spirit and soul.
As I progressed in healing, I realised I was being given profound knowledge and guidance. I was always aware I was being led in a specific way and eventually realised this, then Helen O’Flinn came along to take over the academy and I would concentrate on the Dawson Program.
I completed a Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology in 2011, a Certificate in Touch for Health Kinesiology in 2012 and a Certificate in the Dawson Program in 2013 and again in 2017. It became apparent to me that my guides wished me to be registered with the Dawson Program Australia. So, I approached Robert Johnston to teach several people including myself again. This happened in 2017.
In 2019, I approached Robert to teach another group of eleven people, some of whom were clients of Robert, Helen, and myself, however this time with the assistance of Christina Sheehy and myself. This was our first year of accreditation to become educators of the Dawson Program. This group graduated early in 2020 and because the first lockdown was starting, Robert arranged to meet the students in small groups, to bring the last weekend of the course to completion.
Along came the pandemic in full force and my plan to qualify as an educator was stopped in its tracks. We have, like many others, had to learn to adapt quickly to the ever-changing restrictions and I am now working remotely with clients, and I hope to soon speak with Robert about finishing my accreditation, if this is where I am led.
The Dawson Program has not only inspired me to teach others but aided with managing my own health issues. I am vey grateful that this third career path has opened up for me, and I look forward to where I am lead in the years ahead
Love & light
Contacting Gemma:
If you have enjoyed reading about Gemma's journey and would like to contact her, she is available by phone on +44 353 87 2578 580, email ghipson@gmail.com or you can simply visit her website: http://www.dawsonprogram.ie/
"Miracle worker"
Medical symptom: New Headache Syndrome.
Background: Client spent 4 years and a lot of cash with the best neurologists in the country trying to find a solution to his physical symptoms. It affected his family life and his business.
First Visit: Scanned and cleared everything his subconscious allowed.
Second Visit: One week later, found the residue of a serious flu virus at the hairline to 1.25 inches (3.175 centimetres) up into the head along the Governing Meridian
Correction: Set the intention and played the sounds - Headaches gone on the plinth.
"Renewed strength and vitality"
Medical symptom: Leukaemia
4 Visits Over 4 Months: Scanned and set the intention and played the sounds.
Result: Client achieved remission and renewed strength and vitality and was able to go to France on holiday with his wife. Continues to spread the word of his remission by the Dawson Program all over our area.